Your support will enable us to give our Middle School Mainstage cast the same high quality production that "Footloose" was!

The race is on to raise $7,000 so we can bring The SpongeBob Musical to the stage in the best way possible.
Many wonder why we need to raise money for our shows. Believe it or not it is very expensive to put a show on! Though tuition costs help to pay the directors and staff for SpongeBob, it is not enough to cover the remaining expenses we incur.
Here is what the Playbill Drive will fund for this show:

Microphones & Sound System
Hair and Makeup
Special Effects (like bubbles!)
Posters and Promotional Materials
License to Perform (scripts, etc.)
When you support this production, you are not only supporting the cast+crew, you are supporting the student-run creative team who is leading the way! Many of the leads from "Footloose" are now serving as Directors, Choreographers, Music Directors, Stage Managers... basically every aspect of the production is being led by high school interns. Your support is part of their story too. Help them make this the best show ever for our Middle School cast, who is hard at work and about halfway through their rehearsal process!